Kalkarindji, NT - Day 7

It was supposed to be a little cooler today, but if anything it feels hotter. The heat dictates everything here. The design for the Art Centre addition is heavily perforated to allow for cross ventilation. We start early to avoid the sun at its strongest. Water is constantly being handed about. The roof isn't finished as it would be foolish to spend the afternoon exposed on hot corrugated iron. Heat takes ownership of the day.

As we arrive at our new camp site thoughts of setting up tents or starting dinner are quickly pushed aside by the temptation of a nearby creek. The heat was finally beaten.

The form is starting to take shape with all columns concreted in and purlins lifted and fastened in place. It's funny how you can spend so long feeling like only little progress is being made, and then a few key moments of intense activity can change the whole look of the site. Aside from site work, tomorrow's main event is a lunch of kangaroo tails cooked by some of the local artists - David and James' favourite meal.

Written by Natalie and Lachy

  • 2018 Kalkarindji
  • NT